Standards, Changes and Supply chain

Lucia Capogna

Cyber Security and Software Assurance Lead, SYSTRA Ltd

Digitalisation and technologically advanced solutions have exponentially increased in the last decade in every sector and industry. The complexity of software-based solutions, their integration and the software acceptance across the supply chain is one of the biggest challenges for both integrators and asset owners. Failing to manage the supply chain and acceptance of software (including COTS and bespoke implementations) can result in system failure with potential safety impacts. A few examples, and resultant impacts are outlined within this presentation.

How are software standards and certification requirements supporting upgrades and enhancements of high-integrity software used in safety critical application? Should these requirements be strengthened? Are standards keeping pace, supporting and managing the introduction and the integration of new technology (including AI)? The presentation aims to provide an overview of system and software frameworks that answer these questions.

About Lucia Capogna

Lucia is the Cyber Security and Software Assurance Technical Lead and Team Leader in SYSTRA UK and Ireland and she has over 17 years of experience in software and cyber security in several industries.

Lucia is a Computer Science Engineer and System Engineer with experience in Software, Cybersecurity, Configuration Management, Requirements Management and Verification and Validation, Project Management with background in multiple industries including Railway, Defence, Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy.

Lucia represents the UK in several CENELEC and IEC standardisation groups such as WG28 for the EN50128 and the new cross sector Software Standard (EN 50716:2023), WG26 for the TS 50701 Cybersecurity Technical Specification, the new pr IEC 63452 international standard for cybersecurity in rail applications and WG15 for the EN 50129.

Lucia’s experience makes her knowledgeable in both safety, software and cybersecurity and their interaction as well as their conflicts across a system lifecycle. Lucia is experienced in preparing and delivering training course on safety, software, cybersecurity and related standards including seminar and webinars for national and international events.

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