Pointers to failing software projects

Paul Caseley

Fellow, Dstl

For large and complex projects, turning the science and technology into practical engineering can be very challenging. In Defence, having the winning “capability” is paramount. The products, services and systems that make the capability possible almost always depend on bespoke software engineering tailored to enable specialist science and technology. How pleasant the journey to produce and maintain this software can sometimes be influenced, or predicted, by pointers such as:

• The dress code at reviews – my suit is better than yours!

• How often you change – wishbangV is now wasbang1!

• How many paperweights you buy – what’s that thing in the corner covered in dust!

• The expansion of the English language – ah, we don’t think verification means ….

• The plan for the plan to deliver the plan – do you really need to know what we are doing!

• Does the journey ever end – too big to fail?

Of course there are solutions but they are difficult to implement. The recovery can come down to: empowerment, communications, trust and competence.

About Paul Caseley

Paul Caseley OBE, works for the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) Defence Science and Technologies Laboratory (Dstl). He is a Dstl Fellow and is one of MOD’s leading advisors for science and technology research and engineering of software dependent mission, security and safety related systems. His recent research activities are in areas of implementation of autonomous functions, cyber impacts on safety, and system risk (cyber, security and safety).

Paul also works extensively within the UK and International software, security and safety communities - academic and industrial. Paul is a Chartered Engineer and is a Fellow of the IET, BCS and SaRs. He is also a Senior Member and is a Certified Professional in Safety Critical Systems with the Australian Computer Society.

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