This programme is archived from our 2014 event.
The Elusive Dream of Software Engineering
Martyn Thomas CBE
Vice President (External Affairs) Royal Academy of Engineering

Programming is easy, and the consequences are everywhere to be seen. During my working life (which has already lasted for most of the time that programmable computers have existed) software has transformed almost everything we do. Decade after decade, exponential improvements in hardware price/performance have driven software into anywhere that seemed likely to be profitable, interesting, mischievious or just good fun. Most of this software doesn't matter much, which is fortunate because almost none of it has been engineered.
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Software Safety
Coffee & Exhibition
Lunch & Exhibition
Why does so much IT fail? — and what to do about it
Harold Thimbleby
Swansea University

Your first reaction to this title might be that your iPhone and iPad are wonderful (and Google Glasses are even better…), so if only we brought everything up to date all would be well. Indeed, we may think IT is wonderful, but the reality includes a wide variety of failures: from the heartbleed bug, international programs to computerise healthcare, and an embarrassing array of preventable disasters.
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Languages & Technologies
Tea & Exhibition
Panel Session
Keynote speakers and leading industrial experts will debate a key issue in high integrity software engineering with opinions, challenges and responses from the floor.