2020 Programme
This year, the conference will feature a keynote talk about the work of the National Cyber Security Centre in the domain of embedded and critical systems.
Modernising control systems development in the aviation industry
Simon Creak
Chief Project Engineer Systems and Software, and Chief of the ECOSIStem development process transformation project, Rolls-Royce

Rolls Royce Control Systems has been undertaking a major programme to modernise the way control systems are developed. The dramatic changes to the aviation industry and working arrangements has created both new threats which must be faced, but also opportunities which can be exploited to continue to drive and accelerate innovation. Through this, Control Systems has recognised the importance of creating a range of exploitation routes to ensure continued business support whilst making sure the engineers understand the business context and goals, and are supported in innovating and finding better ways to achieve them.
Read More »Digital transformations and disruptors in the future connected autonomous world
Matt Jones
VP & Chief Systems Architect, Wind River Systems and Product Marketing Lead, GENIVI Alliance

Safety critical systems have been around almost as long as software; but they really are entering a new age. AI-driven autonomous machinery are predicted to be ubiquitous in virtually all settings – in the air, on the roads, in industry and even hospitals. What does it take to digitally transform to create these software centric systems, underpinned by advanced real-time analysis? What are the drivers? Is speed of development to delivery just about efficiency? What effect do disruptors, including COVID-19, have on the needs of transformations?
Read More »How to emerge stronger and more resilient from the COVID-19 crisis?
Walid Negm
Group Chief Innovation Officer, Altran (part of CapGemini)

When we look at the economy, the impact of Covid-19 is not evenly distributed. The aerospace sector is facing a long-haul recovery and auto sales are down significantly from 2019. At the same time, technology, life sciences and “stay-at-home” companies have done well. However, there is a common denominator: volatility in demand over the next 12-18 months. When it comes to high performing companies, they never waste a crisis—instead, in uncertain times they are ambidextrous. First, they are difference makers during the turmoil, persistently tackling short-term priorities and second, they are intensely focused on a portfolio shift to new industry growth vectors.
Read More »Panel Session
Our speakers will discuss the lessons learnt and how the challenges they have highlighted in high-integrity digital systems innovation are likely to resolve.
Closing Remarks
See the full agenda and a selection of the presentation slides from last year’s physical HIS event.