This programme is archived from our 2016 event.
Keynote Address: Reasoning with Big Code
Dr. Dino Distefano
Software Engineer at Facebook and Professor of Software Verification at Queen Mary, University of London

Dr. Dino Distefano is Software Engineer at Facebook and Professor of Software Verification at Queen Mary, University of London. In 2009 he co-founded Monoidics Ltd, a London-based high-tech start-up providing automatic software verification to safety critical industries. Monoidics was acquired by Facebook in 2013 where Dino is now a member of the Infer team who have introduced static verification into the Facebook development process. Dino's talk, Reasoning with Big Code, will provide a fascinating insight into the use of static verification at Facebook.
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Ada 202x: A broad overview of relevant news
Florian Schanda
SPARK Technical Authority, Altran UK
Coffee & Exhibition
Lunch & Exhibition
Keynote Address: An Alternative Approach to DO-178
Duncan Brown
Rolls-Royce Engineering Fellow – Safety Critical Software

Duncan Brown, Rolls-Royce Engineering Fellow – Safety Critical Software, is a Fellow of the BCS, a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered IT Professional and a Senior Member of the Association for Computer Machinery. Duncan has over 25 years’ experience in safety critical software development and served as the European Formal Methods chair on EUROCAE WG-71/SC-205 producing ED-12C/DO-178C and its associated documents. DO-178C and its predecessors have formed one of the pillars of high integrity software for the aviation and defence industries. Duncan is a member of the FAA-sponsored workshops on streamlining assurance processes and the European Research project for Re-Engineering and Streamlining the Standards for Avionics Certification (RESSAC), which are currently considering innovative approaches to aviation software standards and which Duncan will present in his talk An Alternative Approach to DO-178.
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Techniques & Tools
Tea & Exhibition
PANEL SESSION: Streamlining software assurance
In a world where innovation is moving forward so quickly, how will we continue to meet the challenge of assuring trustworthy systems in a cost- and time-effective manner? Can we both guarantee intent and create a more lightweight V&V process for critical applications? Our keynote speakers have touched on this subject from different perspectives: integrating verification into a high-velocity process and goal-based assurance against a small set of overarching principles. The panel will consider whether initiatives such as those at Facebook and EUROCAE hold lessons for the wider software industry – and whether there are other ways to achieve a more streamlined process; automation offers tempting efficiency improvements but introduces tensions by removing elements of human oversight from the loop. Comments, challenges and responses will be taken from the audience.
Panel Chair: Prof. Tim Kelly, University of York
Networking / Cocktail Hour & Exhibition
The day will conclude with a drinks reception, providing an opportunity to network with colleagues and a further opportunity to visit the exhibition stands.
Programme subject to change.