This programme is archived from our 2015 event.
Keynote Address: Stronger than its weakest link
Prof. Ian Phillips. CEng, FIMA, FIET, SMIEEE
Principal Staff Engineer at ARM Ltd, UK

HIS'15 website tells us "Our lives increasingly depend on the correct functioning of software". But whilst true in itself, software is just one of the links in a system-chain; each needing to be as strong as the others for a satisfactory outcome. History may have branded software as the weakest link, but can that be said today? A system is an entity complete in its context; and judged subjectively by its black-box behaviour. And when faced with its failure it isn't acceptable to claim that "my bit worked"!
Read More »Tools & Architectures
Coffee & Exhibition
Tools & Architectures
Threats & Security
Lunch & Exhibition
Keynote Address: Study of Toyota Unintended Acceleration and Software Safety
Prof. Philip Koopman
Carnegie Mellon University

Investigations into potential causes of Unintended Acceleration (UA) for Toyota vehicles have made news several times in the past few years. Some blame has been placed on floor mats and sticky throttle pedals. But a jury trial verdict found that defects in Toyota's Electronic Throttle Control System software and safety architecture caused a fatal mishap. This talk will outline key events in the still-ongoing Toyota UA story and pull together the technical issues that have been discovered by NASA and other experts.
Read More »Software for Trustworthy Systems
Tea & Exhibition
Keynote Address: Open Source Challenges in the Enterprise
Prof. Mark Little
Vice President Red Hat, CTO of JBoss

Open source has gone from being the domain of academic researchers to the forefront of enterprise development and deployment. All of the most significant industrial waves of the past two decades have had open source at their heart, whether it's Linux for the operating system, Android for mobile or JBoss and Tomcat for application servers. In this talk we'll discuss why open source has been adopted within enterprises for mission critical environments and what reliability and dependability challenges it has faced as a result. We'll also look at the impact open source is having on things such as Internet of Things.
Read More »Panel Session: "Open Source: SOUP or Solution?"
Keynote speakers and leading industrial experts will debate whether open source, community-based software can form a reliable component of safety and security-critical systems. Comments, challenges and responses will also be taken from the floor.
Networking/Cocktail Hour & Exhibition
View a selection of slides from last year's HIS 2014 event.